You've gotta.....
You've gotta dance like there's nobody watching/ Love like you'll never be hurt/ Sing like there's nobody listening/ And live like it's heaven on earth.
William W. Purkey
marți, iulie 30
Despre o miere care a fost dovedit stiintific ca se razboieste cu celulele "rele". Cancer de san, colon si piele.
"The 5-year study by a group of researchers from the UAE University in Al Ain reveals the use of Manuka honey for cancer treatment. In a recent study that was published in PLOS ONE, a scientific journal, Manuka honey was proven to contain properties that can inhibit the growth of tumors in the breasts, colon, and skin."
Restul despre mierea Manuka, aici.
Ce mai putem face cu hrisca in gradina...
Inlocuitor de acoperitor de sol si bun bun pentru compozitia solului
A quick cover crop of buckwheat sown in the vegetable garden’s midseason bare spots recharges the soil. When turned in, the buckwheat adds organic matter and makes soil nutrients, particularly phosphorus and calcium, more accessible to the fall crops that follow.
Sow. Lightly scatter buckwheat seed evenly over damp, bare soil, so that the seeds fall about an inch apart. Rake back and forth over the bed to cover the seeds. Keep the soil moist until germination, which typically occurs in less than a week. Buckwheat can be sown through late summer, but frost will kill the tender plants.
Grow. Dense, leafy buckwheat matures in just 4 to 6 weeks and crowds out most weeds. Nectar and pollen from the plant’s pretty white flowers lure pollinators and beneficial insects, including lady beetles and parasitic wasps. Its fibrous root system prevents erosion from rain and wind.
Dig. Turn under the cover crop a week after it begins to flower by sliding a sharp spade just below the soil surface and flipping it over so the topgrowth is buried. Allow the buckwheat to decompose for 2 weeks before seeding fall crops or planting garlic.
duminică, iulie 28
Migdalele dulci pot fi consumate atât proaspete, cât şi uscate. Sâmburii de migdale pot fi consumaţi ca atare sau se pot folosi la prepararea dulciurilor. Totodată migdalele reprezintă una dintre cele mai importante surse vegetale naturale de calciu (252 mg la 100 grame). Calciul facilitează transmiterea influxului nervos, intervenind în procesele de eliberare a acetilcolinei, noradrenalinei şi serotoninei, contribuind prin aceasta la menţinerea echilibrului sistemului nervos. Tocmai de aceea, migdalele sunt foarte apreciate pentru bunăstarea psihică şi mentală pe care o conferă şi pentru starea de calm ce apare la scurt timp după ce le consumăm. În plus, migdalele contribuie şi la îmbunătăţirea capacităţii naturale de memorare.
Numeroase studii efectuate de cercetători demonstrează că migdalele au un efect benefic asupra stării de sănătate şi se dovedesc a fi un aliat preţios în lupta cu kilogramele. Mai mult decît atît, datorită conţinutului caloric ridicat, migdalele sînt recomandabile în sezonul rece, deoarece furnizează organismului o cantitate valoroasă de energie.
Deseori, migdalele sînt considerate în mod eronat ca fiind alimente prea energetice, dar de fapt consumul lor nu antrenează creşterea în greutate. Fiind plăcute la gust şi săţioase, ele reduc consumul altor alimente şi înlătură senzaţia de foame. Avînd în vedere că 28 de grame de migdale au un aport energetic de 160 calorii, mai bine ronţăiţi un pumn de migdale în locul unei pungi cu covrigei.
Deşi migdalele nu sînt complet lipsite de substanţe grase, se pare că organismul uman nu absoarbe toate caloriile din aceste substanţe. Faptul că migdalele se mănîncă întregi, deci nu se mestecă în totalitate, permite lipidelor să nu fie asimilate în corp în totalitate, tocmai de aceea aceste fructe sînt indicate în timpul unei cure de slăbire. Evitaţi totuşi să consumaţi migdale în exces.
O cantitate de 28 de grame de migdale (un pumn) reprezintă o sursă excelentă de magneziu şi de vitamina E, aceasta din urmă fiind un antioxidant foarte eficient. În plus, aceeaşi cantitate de migdale conţine şi fibre, potasiu, calciu, fosfor şi fier, toate în numai 246 de calorii. Trebuie să ştiţi în egală măsură faptul că aceste fructe au un conţinut proteic ridicat, furnizînd 19 grame de proteine pentru fiecare 100 de grame consumate, adică acelaşi aport de proteine ca şi în cazul produselor din carne. În plus, conţinutul ridicat de vitamina E face migdalele indicate în tratamentul problemelor tenului, fiind însă eficiente şi pentru revigorarea părului. Consumînd trei migdale pe zi, veţi beneficia de efectul revitalizant pe care îl au aceste fructe asupra podoabei capilare afectate de vopsirile repetate.
ează în artere şi le blochează. Consumul de migdale are acelaşi efect ca unele medicamente care ajută la reducerea nivelului colesterolului.
Hipotensivii sînt, de asemenea, sfătuiţi să consume în medie cinci migdale zilnic, pentru a normaliza valoarea tensiunii arteriale. Fructele coapte, amestecate cu miere, sînt indicate în insomnii, anemii şi astm bronşic. Dată fiind marea putere nutritivă a migdalelor, acestea trebuie consumate cu moderaţie: 6‑10 fructe pe zi, de la caz la caz.
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Exercitiul de duminica dimineata
Zice asa:
Become Your Best Friend
The Buddha said that it is our mind which makes the world. When I was young boy at the temple I had the arrogance to disagree with the Buddha and think he was wrong! But now I realize that he is exactly right. We can be in the most beautiful place in the world but if our minds are angry or depressed then we can't appreciate it. Our life is created by our thoughts. Thoughts can be trained just like muscles. Thoughts are energy so be aware of whether your thoughts are bringing you positive Qi or negative Qi. Tune into the positive and let go of the negative.
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The Buddha said that it is our mind which makes the world. When I was young boy at the temple I had the arrogance to disagree with the Buddha and think he was wrong! But now I realize that he is exactly right. We can be in the most beautiful place in the world but if our minds are angry or depressed then we can't appreciate it. Our life is created by our thoughts. Thoughts can be trained just like muscles. Thoughts are energy so be aware of whether your thoughts are bringing you positive Qi or negative Qi. Tune into the positive and let go of the negative.
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marți, iulie 23
Despre casnicie in viziune buddista. Sau despre cum ar trebui sa fie orice relatie de iubire, nu neparat cu verigheta pe deget.
Pare mai complicat la terapeut, dar budistii o spun mai cu candoare, astfel incat parca te fac sa intelegi. Despre secretul casniciei.... Caci este un secret!
....According to Buddhist teaching, in a marriage, the husband can expect the following qualities from his wife:
- — love
- — attentiveness
- — family obligations
- — faithfulness
- — child-care
- — thrift
- — the provision of meals
- — to calm him down when he is upset
- — sweetness in everything
In return, the wife's expectation from husband is:
- — tenderness
- — courtesy
- — sociability
- — security
- — fairness
- — loyalty
- — honesty
- — good companionship
- — moral support....
Restul si tare frumos spus pe pagini intregi de non-agresiune si candoare, aici.
A Happy Married Life. A Buddhist Perspective
by Ven. K. Sri Dhammananda
A Happy Married Life. A Buddhist Perspective
by Ven. K. Sri Dhammananda
The difference between thinking and meditation is that in thinking generally we have no definite object or too many objects, but in meditation we think of a definite object chosen by our will; that is why meditation is a real constructive practice of thinking. It is by meditation that we develop our power of seeing the object as it is, otherwise we many see only the appearance of the object without knowing anything of its nature. That is why meditation is very necessary; it purifies the thoughts, otherwise they are mixed up with many things, especially with ignorance.
By thinking without purpose, our thoughts may lead us to dangers and troubles, but by meditating on a chosen object we gain benefit, we enlarge our intellect and develop our power of knowing or seeing things as they truly are.Restul aici
oana venat-dumitriu
luni, iulie 22
Se poarta galben!
Hibiscusi care incanta serile de vara!!! Cel galben a inflorit pentru prima oara de la achizitie! Apa, semiumbra, fertilizari organice si uleiuri esentiale impotriva daunatorilor si bolilor si dragoste cat cuprinde!! Reteta pentru asa frumusete!! Enjoy!
duminică, iulie 21
Uleiuri esentiale. Multe de spus....
Essential oil plants and culinary herbs include a broad range of plant species that are used for their aromatic value as flavorings in foods and beverages and as fragrances in pharmaceutical and industrial products. Essential oil plants derive from aromatic plants of many genera distributed worldwide. In the United States, the most economically important sources of domestically produced essential oils are industrial by-products from citrus, balsam fir, pine, and cedarwood (Table 1, 2) while the most important crops grown in the U.S. for essential oils are peppermint and spearmint (Table 3). Most other essential oils used in the U.S. are imported (Table 4) at an annual cost in 1988 of $150 million (USDA 1989b). A significant quantity of the essential oil imported into the U.S. is further processed for export along with domestically produced oil (Table 5).re herbaceous aromatic plants grown and marketed fresh or dried and include many of the same aromatic plants which are grown for their extractable essential oils. Significant quantities of dried culinary herbs are imported annually into the U.S. (
The objectives of this paper are to provide an overview to the plants which are processed in the U.S. for essential oils and to identify fresh culinary herbs that are or can be grown in the continental U.S. The potential opportunities and constraints for production of these new crops in American agriculture will be highlighted.
Chemistry and Extraction of Essential Oils
The recovery of nonvolatile essential oils are also obtained by solvent extraction although the process is more difficult and complex than the recovery of the volatiles. This process yields an aromatic resinous product known as an oleoresin, which is more concentrated than an essential oil and which has wide application in the food industry (Heath 1981).
Essential Oils as Industrial By-products
The recovery of citrus oils by mechanical expression is generally obtained by two types of commercial extractors, the FMC Citrus juice Extractor (FMC Corp.) and the Brown Extractor (Automatic Machinery Corp.) (Kealey and Kinsella 1979, Kesterson et al. 1971). Citrus oils are recovered as cold-pressed oils or as a specific constituent such a d-limonene as by-products of the juice and beverage industry and yield important aromatic and flavoring compounds used in a wide array of food, cosmetic and industrial products.
The other large quantity of essential oils produced as industrial by-products in this country comes from the wood and pulp manufacturing industries. More than 1650 tonnes of such oils, predominantly from cedarwood, are produced annually (Lawrence 1979).
Si despre unul preferat de mine:
Basil oil. Sweet basil (Ocimum basilicum L.) is a popular culinary herb and a source of essential oils (ITC 1986) extracted by steam distillation from the leaves and flowering tops and used to flavor foods, in dental and oral products, and in fragrances. There are several types of basil oil on the world market European, French, or sweet basil; Egyptian; Reunion or Comoro; Bulgarian; and Java (Heath 1981). The European basil oils, considered to be the highest quality, contain methyl chavicol d-linalool and to a lesser extent 1,8-cineole, plus many other compounds (Guenther 1985, Simon et al. 1984). Egyptian basil oil is similar to the European, except that the concentration of d-linalool is lower and methyl chavicol is higher. Reunion or Comoro contains little d-linalool, but has a very high concentration of methyl chavicol (Lawrence et al. 1972, Simon et al. 1984). Bulgarian basil oil is rich in methyl-cinnamate and Java basil oil is rich in eugenol (Heath 1981). From an evaluation of the entire USDA collection plus other commercial and wild sources, we observed a wide range of chemical variation within O. basilicum and other species (O. canum, O. sanctum, O. gratissimum, and O. kilimandscharicum). We have identified chemotypes that represent each of the commercial types of basil oil. Promising lines are being screened for chemical stability, vigor, and uniformity. The characteristics of the population has continued to improve under mass selection. Isolation blocks serve as seed sources. We are currently developing a new line rich in methyl cinnamate (Simon et al. 1990).
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