You've gotta.....

You've gotta dance like there's nobody watching/ Love like you'll never be hurt/ Sing like there's nobody listening/ And live like it's heaven on earth.
William W. Purkey

marți, decembrie 30


Indienii Hopi:

“În zona creştetului, când omul s-a născut, era un punct moale care era “uşa deschisă“ prin care el a primit viaţa şi putea să comunice cu Creatorul său – Dumnezeu. În momentul ultimei faze a creaţiei sale, punctul moale s-a întărit, iar pentru el uşa s-a închis. Ea rămâne închisă astfel până la moartea lui – cu excepţia iniţiaţilor care ajung să o deschidă în timpul vieţii pământeşti –, deschizându-se atunci pentru ca viaţa să plece în mod tainic aşa cum a venit“.

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Yoga Sutra/Patanjali

Sutra 30\cartea 1

The barriers to interior consciousness, which drive the psychic nature this way and that, are these: sickness, inertia, doubt, lightmindedness, laziness, intemperance, false notions, inability to reach a stage of meditation, or to hold it when reached.

We must remember that we are considering the spiritual man as enwrapped and enmeshed by the psychic nature, the emotional and mental powers; and as unable to come to clear consciousness, unable to stand and see clearly, because of the psychic veils of the personality. Nine of these are enumerated, and they go pretty thoroughly into the brute toughness of the psychic nature.
Sickness is included rather for its effect on the emotions and mind, since bodily infirmity, such as blindness or deafness, is no insuperable barrier to spiritual life, and may sometimes be a help, as cutting off distractions. It will be well for us to ponder over each of these nine activities, thinking of each as a psychic state, a barrier to the interior consciousness of the spiritual man.