You've gotta.....

You've gotta dance like there's nobody watching/ Love like you'll never be hurt/ Sing like there's nobody listening/ And live like it's heaven on earth.
William W. Purkey

miercuri, decembrie 10

Superstitii in Nepal

If someone is offered rakshi (a Nepalese alcohol) as a toast, he must take either one or three glasses. But not two.
To drink only two glasses of rakshi is bad luck.
To see a snake or a cat, especially a black one, cross the road is a bad omen.
In a conversation about witches the listener must constantly check behind his ear in case any witches might be hiding there.
To see someone wearing his shirt inside out or to wear a shirt inside out is bad luck.
If a man sees an empty vessel before he leaves on a journey or in the course of a journey he will receive bad luck. Therefore his family places a full pot of water on the gate when he leaves.
If a man sees a snake in a dream it indicates that he will have trouble in the near future.

From the book “Tales of Kathmandu” by Karna Sakya and Linda GriffithWater colour by Kedar Palikhe

material preluat de la Olga

5 comentarii:

Irina Fumarel spunea...

ahh, superstitiile...niciodata n-am crezut in ele :)

venat show spunea...

@Ir: da', stii ca ei traiesc dupa ele...? nu le trateaza ca pe ei nu exista cuvintul asta...e religie si viata. atit..

Irina Fumarel spunea...

cateodata am impresia ca exista prea multe cuvinte si nu avem ce face cu ele...

Irina Fumarel spunea... imi e tot mai dor de simplitate. la fel cum imi e dor de frumos.
pot sta o zi fara mancare, chiar doua, dar nu pot sta nici o clipa fara frumos. si totusi cati nu dau mancarea pe frumos...

si tocmai azi, de ziua lui Venus...

venat show spunea...

Cred ca virtutea este sa gasesti frumosul in orice te inconjoara, nu musai in zonele frumoase spre are te uiti ca sa il gasesti...
Si atunci vei vedea ca esti mereu inconjurata de frumos!
Gratie, draga mea!